Links To Various Spiritual Traditions and Practices
Ancient Civilizations and Mysteries
Eastern Tradition
General Esoterica
Golden Dawn
Grail Mysteries
Greek and Pythagorean
Magical, Esoteric, and Fraternal Orders and Organizations
Paranormal, Psychism and ESP
Vodoun and African Religion
Western Alchemy
- Ages
of Alchemy - A very elaborate site, highly informative, includes practical alchemy and lessons.
- Alchemiae Basica - An Alchemy Primer for the Ignorant and Historically Impaired - Compiled by Amanda Diane Doerr.
- Alchemical Symbols - A reference work of alchemical symbols.
- Alchemy Lab - A mega-website devoted to transforming your reality using the mental and spiritual operations of ancient alchemy.
- The Alchemy Museum in
Kutna Hora & Magical Journeys in Bohemia - This
site brings you an expanding treasury of
information about the history and legends of Bohemia and
Moravia,with a focus on their esoteric aspects, particularly
Alchemy, and their continuing living traditions."
- The Alchemy Web Site - Adam Maclean's ultimate site on alchemy with thousands of pages of on-line texts and images."Over
90 megabytes online of information on alchemy in all its facets. Divided
into over 1300 sections and providing tens of thousands of pages of text,
over 2000 images, over 200 complete alchemical texts, extensive
bibliographical material on the printed books and manuscripts, numerous
articles, introductory and general reference material on alchemy."
- Ambix: the Journal for the Society for the History of Alchemy &
Chemistry - Founded in 1937,
SHAC has consistently maintained the highest standards of
scholarship in all aspects of the history of alchemy and chemistry
from early times to the present. To this goal, we hold annual
meetings, offer prizes and publish the journal Ambix.
- Corpus
Stavish - Mark Stavish's
site has a number of interesting articles on practical alchemy
- Flamel College - A
large Hermetic education portal.
- From Alchemy
to Chemistry - Five Hundred Years of Rare and
Interesting Books University of Illinois Rare Book & Special
Collections Library
- The Hermetic Garden - Alchemical texts and personal writings of Suetam.
- Jacob Boehme Resources - A collection of existing
resources from the web on the work, world, and influence of Jacob
- Paracelsus College - Institute of Parachemistry.
- Spagyria - Rubellus Petrinus metaphysical laboratory. I highly interesting website on analogical, laboratory alchemy.
- Spiritual Alchemy - an article by Karen-Claire Voss
- Symbol Encyclopedia - Online encyclopedia of symbols and ideograms with over 2500 symbols and their explanations.
Online Magazines/Journals
- Alchemy Journal - This journal, like all proper alchemical endeavors, will seek to balance
both the feminine and masculine ways of knowing (intuition and
intellect) to arrive at truth.
Chinese Alchemy
- Alchemical Taoism - This
website contains a number of essays, diagrams, theory, and practices
having to do, largely, with Mantak Chia's "Healing Tao" (HT)
system of qi gong.
- Chinese Alchemy -This bibliography lists titles of books and
articles in Western languages on different aspects of Chinese
- The Golden Elixir - Taoism and Chinese Alchemy.
Ancient Civilizations and Mysteries
Atlantis, Alternative History & Forbidden Archeology
- A Journey to Atlantis - This lovely site has beautiful evocative illustrations.
- Adrian Gilbert's Website - British author's websites hosts information on his books,
articles and much else. Books include the Orion Mystery with Robert Bauval,
Magi, End of Time, The New Jerusalem, The Holy Kingdom, Signs in the Sky,
Cosmic Wisdom Beyond Astrology, The Mayan Prophecies.
- Andrew Collins' Website - British author's websites hosts information on his books,
articles and much else. Books include Gateway to Atlantis, From the Ashes of
Angels, The Gods of Eden, Tutankhamun - The Exodus Conspiracy, Alien Energy,
The Cygnus Mystery.
- Atlantis - The Lost Continent Finally Found.
- Atlantis - "The story of Atlantis begins
quite literally with two of Plato's dialogues, Timaeus and Critias. These accounts are the only known written records
which refer specifcally to a lost civilization called Atlantis. Many people
believe the tale to be complete fiction, the creation of a philosopher's
imagination used to illustrate an argument. Others believe that the story
was inspired by catastrophic events which may have destroyed the Minoan
civilization on Crete and Thera. Still others maintain that the story is an
accurate representation of a long lost and almost completely forgotten
- Atlantis Articles
and Sources - Discrepant information about Atlantis. Definitely something to read.
- Atlantis Found - "When Soviet oceanographers examined their underwater photos
taken of the Ampere Seamount, they discovered what seemed to be walls,
stairways, and other artificial stonework. The Ampere Seamount is 450 miles
west of Gibraltar, just the area where Plato placed Atlantis!"
- BBC News:
Satellite Images of Atlantis - Satellite photos of southern
Spain reveal features on the ground appearing to match descriptions made by
Greek scholar Plato of the fabled utopia.
Bimini - "...the explorers are happy to announce publicly, that
finally solve one of the most vexing mysteries of recent archaeology in the
Bimini area!
- Corroborating Evidence on the Reality of Atlantis - Many critics of Atlantis insist that, besides
Plato's dialogues, Timaeus and Critias, there is no
other independent evidence provided by ancient authorities on the
matter. Nothing could be farther away from the truth. Indeed, the
ancient myths and traditions of most nations center on the legend of
the Flood and on the destruction of Paradise, the original focus of
Civilization that is no other than Atlantis.
- Evidence for Major Impact Events in the Late Third Millennium BC - "Asteroid,comet impacts, meteor showers, floods, drop of temperature, drying
around the Mediterranean??? Why did the first great civilisations collapse
suddenly and at the same time around 2200 BC?"
- Evidence of Astronomical Aspects of Mankind's Past and Recent Climate
Homepage - "Astronomical Aspects of Mankind's Pastand Present: Was the sudden Global Cooling and Drying in 2200 BC ("Paradise Lost") caused by cosmic impacts?"
- Gods of the New Millennium - The Official Website of Alan F.
- Graham Hancock's
Website - "Graham Hancock is the author of the major international bestsellers The Sign and The Seal, Fingerprints of the Gods and Heaven's Mirror. His books have sold more than five million copies worldwide and have been translated into 27 languages."
- John Anthony West Website - British author's websites hosts information on his books,
articles and much else. Books include Serpent in the Sky, A Traveller's Key
to Ancient Egypt, The Case for Astrology, The Mystery of the Sphinx.
- Laurence Gardner's Website - British author's websites hosts information on his books,
articles and much else. Books include the Bloodline of the Holy Grail,
Genesis of the Grail Kings, Realm of the Ring Lords, Lost Secrets of the
Sacred Ark, The Shadow of Solomon, The Magdelen Legacy
- The Lost Civilization of Atlantis - "I have built "Lost Continent of Atlantis: Myth or Reality?"
with the purpose of bringing together news, discoveries, and theories
related to the lost continent of Atlantis. Some people look for the the lost
city of Atlantis, which in Plato's view, is only part of the Atlantean
empire. However, we will discuss this issue in due time."
- Micahel
Cremo and Forbidden Archaeology - From
its initial release in 1993 to the present, Forbidden Archeology has shocked
and delighted readers around the globe with a veritable encyclopedia of
anomalous scientific evidence challenging the standard views on human
- Physical Evidence of Atlantis -
Scott Stones - The ruins of temples dated at 12,000 years
old have been found near Bimini, Bahamas. Megalithic structures are
not supposed to be in the Bahamas."
- Robert Bauval's
Website - "Since the publication of THE ORION MYSTERY in
February 1994 (see books page) much water has flowed under the bridge... Graham and I then
pursued the quest together with the publication in 1996 of KEEPER OF GENESIS
which took us deep into the haunting metaphysical questions of the origins
of human intellect and in hot pursuit of what we have come to term 'the
quest for the science of immortality'... Finally in 1999 I wrote SECRET
CHAMBER, which explored the deeper layers of the Giza quest and made the
linkage between the ancient 'magical knowledge' and the Hermetic Tradition
that carried it across the ages and into the mainstream of our modern
western intellectual and esoteric tradition"
- Robert Temple's Website - British author's websites hosts information on his books,
articles and much else. Books include the Sirius Mystery, Netherworld, The
Crystal Sun.
- The Sunken Kingdom_ The Atlantis Mystery Solved - Atlantis in Manisa, Turkey? Book Review
- When The Sky Fell - In
Search of Atlantis - Information and theories on Atlantis and Earth's shifting crust
- 5000 Year Old Pyramid Found in Inner Mongolia - Article in People's Daily
- The American Institute of Pyramidology - "The Great Pyramid,
was it built as shown to the left? Probably not...How was it built? Who
built it? What is its meaning for planet earth? Who was its designer?"
- Ancient Pyramids in China
- China's Great Pyramid
Controversy - by Philip Coppens "Despite speculation about the existence of great pyramids in China,
archaeologists and bureaucrats have refused to consider even the rumours
about such structures. But recent pictorial evidence proves that China’s
pyramids are indeed real, rivalling those of Egypt and Central America for
their age, size and significance."
- Chinese Pyramids - Documentation regarding the pyramids of China.
- Chinese Pyramids Part 2 - At Earth Quest.
- Egyptian Pyramids - at Crystalinks
- The Pyramid Matrix and Archaeocryptography - Carl Munck,
archaeocryptographer, introduces an ancient Pyramid Matrix, in which
monuments - across the globe - encode their exact position with respect to
latitude and longitude. The science of decoding these monuments is called
- Pyramid - Dedicated to the proposition that the Great Pyramid
is a rational (in the mathematical sense) structure, designed and built by
normal people.
- Pyramids - Pyramid power and pyramids throughout the world.
- Pyramids in China - at Crystalinks: "The existence of pyramids in China has come
in two stages. Most early stories were focused on the existence of "Great
White Pyramid." A photograph of this pyramid in the Qinling mountains was
taken by Americans in 1945, but remained in military files for 45 years. US
Air Force pilot James Gaussman is said to have seen a white jewel-topped
pyramid during a flight between India and China during World War II, but
there is scant evidence for a source on this story."
- Pyramids in China - At San Graal library - by
Susan Blanchard
- Pyramids in
China, - The "White Pyramid" discovered!, It is the
Maoling Mausoleum! A report by Walter Hain.
Online Services
- Astrodienst - Get
your free horoscope - and much more! Astrodienst AG in Z_rich,
Switzerland provides the world's best astrology site for free
horoscopes, professional astrological reports and information about
- Astro Astro - Personalized Vedic Astrology, An Excellent Interactive Vedic Astrology Site with Free Horoscopes and Charts.
- AstrologyNow - Your own personalized horoscope and astrology information for daily living.
- Robert Zoller's Medieval Astrology - Robert
Zoller, astrology prediction and personal horoscopes based on medieval
astrological techniques. Buy and download astrological books and
courses. Professional advisor and scholar on occult, magic, alchemy and
philosophy. Free downloads.
- Widget's Astrology World - Services
include directory of 1001+ astrological articles, free birthchart
interpretations, free compatibility reports, free astrological fonts,
free instant astro-tarot readings, Ask the Astrologer column and
I-Ching forecastor.
- The Celestial Observer - Chart of equinxes, solstice, and cross quarter dates and times world wide.
- CalSky - An on-line Resource that provides Ephemeris, data of Sun and moon Phases etc.; different languages.
- - All about Astrology in Russia: horoscopes, forecasts, books, articles, software, and discussions.
- World timezones map - Provides a world map of time zones with local times.
- The Astrologers Apprentice- - Magazine, books and a correspondence course.
- Astrology Center of America - National
Clearinghouse for Astrology Books & Tarot Cards. Large selection of
hard-to-find astrology books in Western & Hindu/Vedic Astrology, as
well as hundreds of tarot decks. 24 hour service - we ship world-wide.
- Midheaven Bookshop - Astrological
bookshop with a very large selection of astrological titles. Worldwide
distributor of CPA Press hardback books. Midheaven also represent a
wide range of astrological software.
- Prediction - A horoscope guide bursting with essential astrological infromation.
- The Wessex Astrologer -
Publishers of high quality Astrology books and Astrodice. Distributors of
Astrology Books and the Mountain Astrologer Magazine in Europe.
- American Federation of Astrologers - Encouragse and promotes the science and art of astrology.
- AstroQab - Astrology & Qabalah - Blending astrology and qabalah and drawing deeply on the works of Alice Bailey.
- C.U.R.A. The International Astrology Research Center -
An epistemological, historical and critical approach to astrology. The
site is free and provides articles, texts, documents.
- The Mountain Astrologer -
The world's premier astrology magazine - essential reading for anyone
practicing or studying astrology. Each issue contains in-depth
articles, global forecasts, book reviews, and astro-humor.
- Rennaissance Astrology - Provides courses, readings, and books in Rennaissance astrology.
- - A wealth of astrological information and tools.
- StarDate Online - Non-technical
information about astronomy and space exploration, including stargazing
tips, FAQs, sky almanac, solar system guide, StarDate magazine
articles, and K-12 teacher resources. StarDate Online is the web
companion to the popular syndicated radio program.
- The Starry Messenger -
Phase I of the Electronic History of Astronomy developed in the Whipple
Museum of the History of Science and the Department of History and
Philosophy of Science.
- Your Sky - Your Sky is an interactive web planetarium.
- Astro123 & AstroWin - Free, open-source astrology programs for Windows.
- Astrolog 5.40 - A freeware astrology program, with versions for Windows,
DOS, Mac, Unix, and complete source code also available.
- Digital Jyotish - Vedic astrology software for Windows.
- Matrix Software - Astrology Matrix and Matrix Software is a world leader in the creation of quality astrology software for Windows.
- Original Astrolog - More Astrolog freeware for various platforms, including original files.
- Skylendar - Astrology software for Linux.
- Time Cycles Research - Excellent astrology software for MacIntosh.
- What Watch -
A powerful freeware tool that covers many areas and techniques of
- Coptic Language & Alphabets - Coptic is the common colloquial Egyptian. Its roots stem from the New Egyptian Language and has a large similitude with the version of the Egyptian Language of the 25th Kingdom (Saees Kingdom named after its Capital: Sa-ElHahgar).
- The Coptic Studies' Corner - The Archimandrite Coptic Society.
Eastern Tradition
Bön, Bonpö
- The Bonpo's Tradition - "Tibet's oldest spiritual tradition is Bön. According to Bönpo
accounts, eighteen enlightened teachers will appear in this aeon and Tönpa
Shenrab, the founder of the Bön religion, is the enlightened teacher
of this age."
Buddhism, Tibet, and Shambhala
- A Vision of Shambhala A fantastic vision of Shamballah, with its cities and
denizens as told by Khamtrul Rinpochey.
- Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche One of the must influential Tibetan writer and
teacher (see above).0 "The
Vidyadhara Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche (1939-1987) was the 11th
descendent in the line of Trungpa tülkus.. Already installed as the
head of the Surmang monasteries in eastern Tibet, Chögyam Trungpa
was forced to flee the country in 1959, at the age of 20... In
1963, Chögyam Trungpa moved to England to study comparative
religion, philosophy, and fine arts under a Spaulding Fellowship at
Oxford University. In 1969, he published Meditation in Action, the
first of fourteen
books on the spiritual path published during his
- Dzogchen Foundation Dzogchen - "The "Innate Great
Perfection" is the Heart-Essence Teaching of the Non-Sectarian
Practice Lineage of Tibetan Buddhism - Lama Surya Das -
The Dzogchen Center"
- The Magic life of Milarepa A short illustrated account of the incredible life of
Tibet's greatest yogi.
- Mistaken Foreign Beliefs About Shamballah - By
Alexander Bezin - Many foreign myths have grown around the legend of
Shambhala found in the Kalachakra literature. Some were spread to
win military or political support, such as the identification of
Russia, Mongolia, or Japan as Shambhala. Others appeared within
occult movements and mixed Buddhist ideas with concepts from other
systems of belief. Several even spawned expeditions to find the
fabled land.
- Nyingma Center
Volunters Program: Offers a unique opportunity to unite practical
accomplishment with spiritual development supported by Buddhist
study and practice.
- Shambhala Center Shambhala is a worldwide network of meditation
centers providing instruction, classes and programs, founded by Chögyam
Trungpa Rinpoche, a master of the Shambhala and Tibetan Buddhist
- Tibetan Government in Exile's Official Web Site "This site is maintained and updated by The
Office of Tibet, the official agency of His Holiness the Dalai Lama
in London."
- Websites on Buddhism An extensive site on Tibetan Buddhism.
Hinduism and Yoga
- Ananda, source for the teachings of Paramhansa Yogananda
- Anandamarga Ananda Marga is an international social service
organization with branches in over 160 countries representing every
- Ashram for Kriya Yoga, God Yoga, Divine Love and God realization
- Autobiography of a Yogi, by Paramhansa
Yogananda, the complete online edition
- Badari Ka Ahsrama "Badarikashrama is located in the serene San
Leandro foothills 20 miles from San Francisco. Sri
LaxshmiNarayana,Sri Durga Devi, Sri Mahadeva (Shivalinga) and Sri
Ganesha are worshipped daily in the ashrama s peaceful mandir."
- Books by Swami Krishnananda - The Divine Life Society. This site has some interesting on-line texts. "The
Official Website of Swami Krishnananda, the Divine life Society,
Sivanada Ashram, Rishikesh, Himalayas, India"
- Center for Spiritual Awareness - The Center for Spiritual Awareness is located in the low mountain region of northeast Georgia, U.S.A. under the direction of Roy Eugene Davis, a direct disciple of Paramahansa Yogananda.
- Indology Internet Resources for Indology Studies
- Sahaja Yoga Meditation and Self Realization
- Sant Mat - International Homepage "The Master teaches that our inner life is not
to be confused with the outer life and that we have to add the
higher life of soul to our normal worldly life. The soul is
connected to the God-Power." Sant Thakar Singh is a Sikh
- Self-Realization
Fellowship Founded by the celebrated author of
"Autobiography of a Yogi", Paramahansa Yoganada in 1920. A
pupil by Swami Sri Yukteswar Giri, whose teaching of Kriya Yoga is
derived from the immortal Babaji.
- Sivananda Yoga Om Page - Vedanta, Jnana, Hatha, Bhakti, Raja, Karma, Dhyana Yogas, Asanas, Pranayama, vegetarian diet.
- Welcome to the 3HO Website For
over 30 years, the 3HO Foundation, an international, non-profit
organization, has been the custodian of the practice of Kundalini
Yoga, as taught by Yogi Bhajan, Master of Kundalini Yoga. It
is dedicated to the excellence of the individual and serves people
through the teachings, technology and lifestyle of Kundalini Yoga.
This sacred yogic discipline, embraced by people all over the world,
promotes physical health, stimulates the potential of the mind, and
touches one's innermost being.
- Serving
all types of yoga.
- Yoganiketan - Kriya Yoga OshoThe Osho Experience " I am not Billy Graham, I am not here to inspire you. This is
a totally different phenomenon. In fact I am not even religious; I
am not spiritual at all. All these labels are utterly irrelevant.
Tantra, Chakra and Kundalini
- A No-thought Meditation "Over a thirty-five year period
hundreds of thousands of people from every walk of life were drawn
to Osho. They asked questions, he answered. They read sutras to him,
and he talked about them. The talks were recorded, and later filmed
on video, transcribed into hundreds of books and translated into
dozens of languages."
and the Nath Ganas
- Asiatica Association Check the subsite "International Journal of Tantric
- Chakra Therapy - The healing properties of gemstones applied to
- The Church of Tantra Real "Tantra" is a rigorous spiritual
discipline and a vast field of study, with the sexual aspect being
an important part of it. Mystical experiences and altered states of
consciousness result from many of the processes, especially the ones
with sexual energy at their core. The act of ritual lovemaking is a
participation in cosmic and divine processes. The experience of
transcending space and time, of surpassing the phenomenal duality of
spirit and matter, of recovering the primal unity, the realization
of the identity of God/Goddess, Shiva/Shakti and of the manifested
and unmanifested aspects of the All: these constitute the very
mystery of Tantra.
- Developmental Techniques for
Tantra-Sex Magic by Fra. Geh Mad - A brief introduction to Tantra/Sex Magic taken from a workshop given by Fra Geh Mad at Green Dome Temple.
- Dr. Jonn Mumford "Dr Mumford is a International Yoga Lecturer and
Author. He is a direct disciple of Yogamaharishi Dr Swami
Gitananda Giri Guru Maharaj (South India) and Paramhansa Swami
Satyananda Saraswati, Bihar (North India)."
- Gopi
Krishna In 1967 he
published his first major book in India, Kundalini--The
Evolutionary Energy in Man (currently available under the title Living
With Kundalini). Shortly thereafter it was published in Great
Britain and the United States and has since appeared in eleven major
languages. The book presented to the Western world for the first
time a clear and concise autobiographical account of the phenomenon
of the forceful awakening of Kundalini, which he had experienced in
1937, and the long process by which he eventually attained the
perennially transformed or sahaja state of consciousness. This book,
and the sixteen other published works by Gopi Krishna have generated
a steadily growing interest in the subjects of consciousness and the
evolution of the brain.
- Historical Sources & of Knowledge Kundalini This excellent article is one of many online articles
from the Australian
- Knowledge of Reality Magazine
site - Knowledge of Reality (KOR) is a magazine that started out in March 1993 by "SETA" or the Society of Eastern Thought and Awareness, a student group at Sydney's, New South Wales University, Australia.
- The Human Energy Field - The Human Energy Field or Aura is an energetic, multidimensional field that surrounds penetrates, and is the human body.
- Kundalini Complications "This is a partial list of the complications
that can arise from a Kundalini awakening, particularly if one tries
to force an awakening that their mind and body will be unprepared
for when overwhelmed, or worse, by a premature Kundalini
eruption" This an important site with several interesting
articles by responsible and authorized persons.
- Kundalini Information & Kundalini Network This Great site has lots of information on the
dangers of early arousal of kundalini. In
Scandinavia, several
people who themselves had experienced a Kundalini process, got
together and formed a network to help themselves and others. Up to
now, the network has had contact with ca. 500 people with Kundalini
arousal. Our attempt is to create a forum where different opinions
and viewpoints available on the subject, can meet and interact,
hopefully enabling further understanding of what contact with these
Kundalini energies implies.
- Kundalini Research Foundation - About the Kundalini Paradigm.
- Kundalini Resource Center - (U.S.A. Site) Contains articles and features.
- Kundalini Survival & Support "Increasing numbers of individuals are having
Kundalini awakenings from spiritual practices and spontaneously.
When Kundalini
energy begins to ascend up the spine, these awakenings can be
intense, sometimes with complications.
This site provides non-sectarian information about Kundalini along
with articles by people undergoing Kundalini awakenings."
- Kundalini Tantra "Our world will remain
broken as long as the individual remains broken. Our world will
become whole when the individual becomes whole. We cannot create a
healthy society out of unhealthy people. Those who rule by fear
create broken people and societies. Our churches, cultures,
governments have taught us to be cripples. We must stop being
crippled and become complete in ourselves. Only then can we begin to
heal a world broken in fear to feed power. One by one we heal the
world and each other. Thank you for helping." Contains many
- Kundalini Yoga - Major resource center. Home of the Kundalini Yoga Mailing List and
also for FREE Online Kundalini Yoga Classes for beginners.
- Kundalini Yoga - Shakti the Serpent bids
you "Sat Nam!" and welcome to Kundalini Yoga, the mother
of all yogas and the most powerful yoga known. As brought to the
West in 1969 by Yogi Bhajan, it produces results 16 times faster
than ordinary yoga. Contains an extensive online course.
- New Millennium Being - Opening a new window on the mysteries of Astrology!
Kundalini, Meditation - A new
window on the mysteries of astrology with Gururattan K. Khalsa Ph.D.
A fascinating blend of Astrology, Kundalini Yoga, Spiritualism and
Meditation. Now published in English, Portuguese & Spanish.
- Process of kundalini awakening or arousal - She is beautiful
as a chain of lightning / and fine as a (lotus) fibre,/ and shines
in the minds of the sages. /She is extremely subtle, / the awakener
of pure knowledge, / the embodiment of bliss, / whose true nature is
pure consciousness. Satcakra-Nirupana. This site comes from the
personal experience of a Kundalini release and the desire to share
the resources and stories that have been helpful to me. May the
Goddess Kundalini bless all who visit this site.
- Sacred Centers - "Chakras are centers of activity for the
reception, assimilation, and transmission of vital life
- Shared Transfomation - "Kundalini is the agent of self-transformation
on the physical, mental, emotional, psychic and spiritual
- Shiva Shakti Mandalam - One of the best resources for Classical Tantra on the net. Operated by Mike Magee. Includes numerous translations of Sanskrit Tantras.
- - The #1 Online Resource for Tantra, Tantric Sex and The Kama Sutra.
- - "Welcome to TantraWorks, an interactive Tantra
guide, data base and resource for loving seekers of spiritual
liberation, created by Nik
Douglas author of several important works on Tantra including
the best-seller, "Sexual
Secrets: The Alchemy of Ecstasy".
- Tantric
Sex - Una MacDonoghue on the joys
of sexual ecstasy through Tantra.
- Yoga - Kundalini Yoga, Meditation, Tantric Sex, Chacras, Women's Empowerment.
- The Golden Elixir - Taoism and Chinese Alchemy.
- Tai Chi &
Taoism - There exists a long history of movement and exercise
systems which are associated with Taoism. In some sense one can see
elements of all of these as contributing to the climate from which
Tai Chi emerged.
- Taoism, or the Way
by Judith Berling - A brief but informative article
highlighting major trends in Taoism.
- Universal Tao Center - The retreat center of Taoist Master Mantak Chia.
- The Ancient Egyptian Virtual Temple - An Educational Resource for Ancient Egyptian Religion and Esoteric studies.
- The Ausar Auset Society International - The
Ausar Auset Society is a Pan-African religious organization that has been providing Afrocentric based spiritual training to the African-American community and to African descendants in the Diaspora, as well as a social vehicle that allows for the expression of the spiritual values learned, for over 30 years. Based on the indigenous traditional African cultures dating from the earliest documentable periods (Kamit [ancient Egypt], Indus Kush [pre-Aryan Vedantic India], Canaan [Palestine], and Kush [Ethiopia]), the classes taught revolve around the oldest religion known to mankind – the Ausarian religion of ancient Kamit.
- The British Museum's ANCIENT EGYPT
- Demotic Dictionary Project. - Archeology and Egyptology. Good traditional academic resource provided by the University of Chicago Oriental Institute.
- The Domain of Het-Hert Website dedicated to Hathor
- Duke University Papyrus Archive
- Electronic access to texts about and images of papyri from ancient Egypt.
- Egyptology Resources - A mother lode! Take a lunch and be prepared for a long stay.
- Greg Reeder's Egypt Page - Dedicated to examining some aspects of the art, archaeology, religion and history of Egypt.
- The Griffith Institute -
The Griffith Institute is a part of The University of Oxford and
specializes in Egyptology and Ancient Near Eastern studies.
- Guardian's Egypt - Where you can explore the mystery and splendor of ancient Egypt from the comfort of your own computer.
- Hor - Portion of Peter Preston's informative work on
- Inscription - Journal of Ancient Egypt - Inscription
is a quarterly publication for the study of ancient Egypt. It is
written as a study journal for the enthusiast and student of Egyptology.
- KMT - A Modern Journal of Ancient Egypt.
- - Studies in ancient Egyptian religion, ritual and philosophy.
- Morgana's Observatory - The Modern Riddle of the Sphinx.
- MAMA's Online Store - Museum of Ancient and Modern Art's Egyptian Catalog.
- Mythology Gallery - Photographs and paintings of ancient egyptian art, archeology, mythology and dynastic history.
- Pharaonic Egypt - An introduction to the history and culture of Pharaonic Egypt.
- Rediscover Ancient Egypt - Tehuti Research Foundation - T.R.F. - Tehuti Research Foundation (T.R.F.) is a non-profit, international, U.S.-based organization, dedicated to the study of Ancient Egypt.
- Sekhmet - Robert Masters - The Way of the Five Bodies" requires a consciousness which simultaneously differentiates each of the five while, at the same time, all of the five are functionally integrated. There is a metapsychology and a methodology for achieving this ideal and, as well, an underlying metaphysic. The Way is practical and realizable, although extraordinarily demanding.
- A Short Introduction to Hieroglyphs -
By Serge Rosmorduc, this short document simply aims at giving an idea of
what hieroglyphs are, and provides the reader with a short bibliography
so that he may go further.
- The Egyptian Museum - Operated by the Egyptian Supreme Council of Antiquities. Opened 1897 as the first antiquities museum im the Middle East.
- Tour Egypt - Official Site of the Ministry of Tourism.
Egypt is an exciting country, both for its antiquities, and modern high
culture. Tour Egypt is an Egypt guide with over 15,000 pages of
information about every aspect of travel, ancient and modern Egypt
- University of Chicago Oriental Institute. - A museum and research organization internationally recognized pioneer in the archaeology, philology, and history of early Near Eastern civilizations.
- University of Michigan Papyrus Collection - With over 7,000 inventory numbers and more than10,000 individual fragments,
the University of Michigan is home to one of the largest collections of
papyri in the world.
- Akhet Hwt-Hrw - A school dedicated to the research, reconstruction and practice of the Ancient Egyptian spiritual tradition.
- Fellowship of Isis - The Fellowship of Isis (FOI) is an international, multi-faithed
organization that is dedicated to honoring the Goddess in Her many
forms. It was founded at Clonegal Castle, Ireland at the Vernal Equinox
of 1976.
- Grand Lodge of D'Ath Ka Ptah - The Grand Lodge of ATH-KA-PTAH, Egyptian Masonry, Heiress to the Schools of
Mysteries of Pharaonic Egypt, Distributes Initiatory Mysteries in its
Lodges and Temples.
- The House of Isis and Osiris - A contemporary Mystery School devoted to the Mysteries of Classical Western Paganism. The School is organised
through a number of autonomous Houses, each offering a structured programme of training which places the teachings of the past within a
vital, contemporary structure.
- The International Network of Kemetics - An organization dedicated to the networking and sharing of knowledge among the practitioners of the Kemetic Faith, and to helping facilitate the reconstruction of the Ancient Egyptian religious practices and culture. It is not a single Temple, school, House or group, but a collection of different groups and individuals working together to help revive the Ancient Egyptian religion.
- Kemetic Orthodoxy -
The Kemetic Orthodox faith and the House of Netjer were founded in the late
1980s in Chicago, Illinois. We are dedicated to the restoration of the
authentic ancient Egyptian religion, through the study of source texts
and Egyptological research.
- Per Ankh - A sisterhood of temples dedicated to the practice of the Kemetic religion (Ancient Egyptian) in the modern world.
- Egyptian-Kemetic Reconstructionist Paganism (The Cauldron A Pagan Forum) - Kemeticism is a re-creation of the religion of Ancient Egypt, and includes the revival of its belief systems, its
spirituality and other relevant aspects of its culture, such as literature and art. It is a belief in the Neteru* (Gods and Goddesses).
- Enochian Chess Sets -
Sets of the game have been sold all over the world by us since 1982,
including to many leading magickal temples and practitioners.
- Enochian Linguistics - Links and Essays
- The Enochian World of Benjamin Rowe -
A collection of his work spanning the last 10 years.
- Esoteric Archives - Collected writings of John Dee that include Mysteriorum Libri Quinque, Liber Loagaeth, Compendium Heptarchiae Mysticae, and De Heptarchia Mystica
- The John Dee Project - The John Dee Project serves to make available the works of John Dee.
- Ra Hoor Kuit Network - Enochian Magick Papers and Links on the Ra Hoor Kuit network.
- Rafal T. Prinke - Some Enochian links.
- Schueler's
Enochian Magick- The Enochian home pages of Gerald J. Schueler, Ph.D. Covers of Schueler's books with
short descriptions, rituals, essays on magical and theosophical themes,
Schueler's Enochian font (ttf), email link, and sample of the Enochian Journal.
General Esoterica
- Works of Francis Bacon -
Here is a select bibliography of the works of Francis Bacon, followed by two
bibliographies of works about him regarding the authorship and other
Online Magazines/Journals
- Alchemy Journal -
This journal, like all proper alchemical endeavors, will seek to balance
both the feminine and masculine ways of knowing (intuition and
intellect) to arrive at truth.
- Esoterica -
A peer-reviewed academic journal devoted to the transdisciplinary study
of Western esotericism: Western esoteric traditions including alchemy,
astrology, Gnosticism, gnosis, magic, mysticism, Rosicrucianism, and
secret societies, and their ramifications in art history, history,
literature, and politics.
- Journal of the Western Mystery Tradition -
The Journal of the Western Mystery Tradition is a biennial publication,
coming out on the vernal and autumnal equinoxes, published bi-annually
by a non-profit, volunteer staff.
Personal Websites
- Corpus Stavish -
The Writings of Mark Stavish, a long-time student of esotericism who has
written over two-dozen critically received articles, book reviews, and
interviews on western esoteric philosophy and practices.
- Gary Ford's Freemasonry and other Secret Societies -
This site reflects my interest in secret societies. Especially Freemasonry,
in particular the monstrously huge Antient and Primitive Rite of
Memphis and Mizraim; and also the pseudo-masonic Ordo Templi Orientis
and the heavily Masonic influenced but independent Hermetic Order of
the Golden Dawn.
- High Magic: The Hermetic Kabbalah - One persons experience of the Great Work and the Path that i have taken to find peace, truth, and wisdom. By Suba.
- The Hermetic Order of Sol Ascendans -
Personal site of Alex Sumner, Past Hierophant and Sole (incarnated) Member of
Sol Ascendans. This site has a number of articles and downloadable
essays , e.g. on Lucid Dreaming, Enochian Magick etc and will from time
to time publish the records of the founder's magickal experiments.
- Twilit Grotto - Archives of Western Esoterica. A marvelous collection of sacred texts, grimoires, etc
- The Internet Sacred Text Archive - A marvelous collection of sacred texts, grimooires, etc.
Traditions of Magic -
A presentation of some of the materials in the University of Michigan's
collections which might prove useful in any discussion of magic and its
practitioners in the Mediterranean basin and the Near East from the 1st
to the 7th centuries A.D
Golden Dawn
Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, European International World Headquarters, affiliated Temples, and Orders
- Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn® - The European headquartered, Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn is vastly different from the host of Regardie-based "Golden Dawn" groups crowding the Internet today. Most importantly, this order teaches and initiates in the entire "three order" system envisioned for the Golden Dawn since its inception in 1888, from the Neophyte (0=0) all the way through the Ipsissimus (10=1) grade, whereas, most Regardie-based "Golden Dawn" groups "dead end" with well known, published material. The H.O.G.D. offers supervised training in ritual magic and Hermetic alchemy at a distance to students around the globe through their on-line school as well as traditional, physical initiation through their worldwide network of Golden Dawn temples.
- Their First or Outer Order is the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. (H.O.G.D.). Their Second Order is the Ordo Rosae Rubeae et Aureae Crucis® (R.R. et A.C.). The name of their Third Order is a carefully guarded secret. In 1906, S.L. MacGregor Mathers gave their order a name for its entire three order system, by which it remains known until today: the Rosicrucian Order of Alpha et Omega® (commonly referred to as the Alpha et Omega or A.O.).
- Unlike the newly created American groups calling themselves "Golden Dawn," yet having no legitimate connection with the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn founded in Great Britain in 1888, this order is a direct lineal descendent of the original H.O.G.D. and the sole and exclusive owner of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn® trademark in the European Union (reg. 000063925). They additionally own the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn International® trademark in Canada (CIPO Reg. TMA510387). In the United States, they operate by legal agreement adopted by United States District Court as the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, outer order of the Rosicrucian Order of Alpha et Omega.® They hold primary Golden Dawn lineage deriving directly from the secret Continental European order of Hermetic alchemists, commonly referred to as the "Secret Chiefs" (Geheime Oberen), who are the "source of origin" of all of the initiation rituals, teachings, and spiritual practices of all of the grades comprising all three orders set forth in the original Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. These lineages were transmitted through Kenneth MacKenzie in 1850 (for the First Order, the H.O.G.D.), S.L. MacGregor Mathers in 1891 (for the Second Order, the R.R. et A.C.), and through Jean-Pascal Ruggiu and David Griffin in 2002 (for the Third Order). They hold auxiliary lineages that include R.W. Felkin's Stella Matutina, S.L. MacGregor Mathers' Alpha et Omega, A.E. Waite's Fellowship of the Rosy Cross, G.W. MacGregor Reid's Ancient Druid Order, Madeline Montalban's Order of the Morning Star (Ordo Stella Matutina), and Countess Tamara Bourkoun's Order of the Pyramid and the Sphinx as transmitted by Desmond Bourke, Countess Tamara Bourkoun, and Marquis Nicholas Tereschenko. They additionally hold a vast array of supplementary Rosicrucian lineages and/or esoteric transmissions that include the Gold und Rosenkreutz Order (Fraternitas Aureae et Rosae Crucis), the Order of the Asiatic Brethren (Fratres Lucis), the Societas Rosicruciana of Backstrom, Les Frères Ainées de la Rose+Croix (F.A.R.+C., The Elder Brothers of the Rose+Cross), the Rose Croix d'Orient (Rose Cross of Egypt) and the Reaux Croix (Elus Cohen).
- In order to distinguish themselves from the groups engendered by Regardie's and Crowley's publications that dead end where the published material leaves off, this order decided in 1999 to completely reform its Second Order, the Rosae Rubeae et Aureae Crucis (R.R. et A.C.), and moved all material that had been profaned by publication to its outer order, the (H.O.G.D.). As a result, where the Regardie-based Golden Dawn groups leave off, their Second Order, the R.R. et A.C., just begins with a completely traditional and extremely substantial magical and alchemical curriculum derived entirely from pre-Golden Dawn, Hermetic and Rosicrucian esoteric transmissions. The putative "Second Orders" of the Regardie-based groups, on the other hand, are but empty shells containing little or nothing beyond well-known, published material.
- Another important distinction is that their beginning students study and practice ritual magic immediately upon entering our First Order, the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. In the Regardie-based groups, however, the practice of ritual magic is largely reserved for their putative "Second Orders," merely because these groups have little or nothing to teach their students beyond what is available in any esoteric bookstore.
- The distinction between this order and the Regardie-based groups does not end at the Second Order level. The Golden Dawn was originally conceived in 1888 as merely the beginning of a three order system, comprising grades form Neophyte (0=0) through Ipsissisimus (10=1) with the R.R. et A.C. as the Golden Dawn's Second Order. Golden Dawn co-founder, S.L. MacGregor Mathers, received the material to create the R.R. et A.C. from physical representatives of the extremely secretive, Continental European mystery school to whom Mathers referred to as the "Secret Chiefs," and with whom he established contact in 1891 in Paris. At that historic meeting, Mathers was also given certain teachings about spiritual sexuality, notably certain techniques of "Hermetic Inner Alchemy" and "Alchemical Magic," which were intended for eventual inclusion in the Golden Dawn's projected Third Order. Unfortunately, Mathers passed away before he mastered these techniques well enough to manifest the Golden Dawn's planned Third Order. Mathers nonetheless did communicate some of the more advanced teachings regarding spiritual sexuality to certain students, like J.W. Brodie Innes.
- In 2002, leaders of the European headquartered H.O.G.D. were invited to meet with representatives of Mathers' "Secret Chiefs" in Paris once again. At this meeting, they were given everything for the Third Order that had been envisioned for the Golden Dawn since its inception in 1888. These materials included the initiation rituals for the Golden Dawn system's three highest grades (called "Magisteria"); Magister Templi (8-3), Magus (9=2) and Ipsissimus (10=1). Unlike the higher grades of R.W. Felkin's "Stella Matutina" or of A.E. Waite's "Fellowship of the Rosy Cross" these grades are not merely nominal or titular, but come with substantial, extremely advanced teachings. The order was given, for the curriculum of these higher grades, a vast esoteric corpus including not only the elementary sexual practices from Hermetic Inner Alchemy and Alchemical Magic given to Mathers by the "Secret Chiefs" for the first Magisterium of Magister Templi, but the continuation and culmination of these teachings for the second and third Magisteria of Magus and Ipsissimus as well.
- The techniques of Hermetic "Inner" Alchemy comprise the highest wisdom and represent the capstone on the pyramid of the Western esoteric tradition. This alchemical practice uses the subtle fires of the body, including love and sexuality, to transmute the "lead" of the physical body (or "Prima Materia") into the "gold" of a solar body, into which the Adept projects his or her consciousness at the moment of death, thus becoming consciously immortal.
- Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, outer order of the Rosicrucian Order of Alpha et Omega® - This is the American website of the U.S.A. jurisdiction of the European, international world headquarters of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn.
- August Order of the Mystic Rose - The August Order of the Mystic Rose is formally affiliated with the European, international world headquarters of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn as well as with its American branch, the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, outer order of the Rosicrucian Order of Alpha et Omega and has established full international recognition and reciprocity with their temples world-wide. In addition to holding the affiliations of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, the A.O.M.R. additionally holds significant additional Hermetic, Rosicrucian, and Gnostic affiliations and esoteric transmissions. According to its web site, "the August Order of the Mystic Rose is a modern link in the ancient chain of mystic studies known as the Secret Doctrine, which has been handed down since time immemorial in the instituted Temples of the Mysteries."
Golden Dawn Resources
- Ecclesia Gnostica -
The Ecclesia Gnostica exists for the purpose of upholding the Gnostic
tradition and to administer the holy sacraments to those of God's
people who are attracted to the altars of the Gnosis.
- The Gnostic Society in Norway
Grail Mysteries
Greek and Pythagorean
- The Alchemy Virtual Library - Adam Maclean's ultimate site on alchemy with thousands of pages of on-line texts and images."Over 90 megabytes online of information on alchemy in all its facets. Divided into over 1300 sections and providing tens of thousands of pages of text, over 2000 images, over 200 complete alchemical texts, extensive bibliographical material on the printed books and manuscripts, numerous articles, introductory and general reference material on alchemy."
- Ancient Knowledge and Wisdom of the Arcanum - The All is Mind - The Universe is Mental.
- Fibonacci Numbers and the Golden section
Gnosis Magazine
- J.R. Ritman Library - Bibliotheca Philosophica Hermetica -
The Bibliotheca Philosophica Hermetica is a private library located in the
heart of Amsterdam. It was founded by Amsterdam businessman Joost R.
Ritman, who decided to make his collections part of the public domain
in 1984.
- The Hermetic Library -
The Hermetic Library is the creation of Al Billings and is his attempt to
find a place to host his creations and those of others that would not
otherwise be available. These creations are, by and large, of a
spiritual focus but not the areas of spirituality that you will
generally see within the mainstream of American culture.
- The Hermetics Resource Site - The best Hermetics resource on the internet. With substantial sections in both English and Turkish.
- The Occult Archive
- Philosophical Research Society
Magical, Esoteric, and Fraternal Orders and Organizations
- An Institute for Hermetic Studies - The Institute for Hermetic
Studies is located in Kingston, Pennsylvania. Started in 1998, the
Institute maintains a complete working temple for the instruction of
its members in Ceremonial Magic and the Hermetic Arts and Sciences,
including qabala, plant alchemy, Rosicrucianism, Martinism, and the
Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn.
- Magic Society of the White Flame - The society is privileged to guard one of the largest
collections of ancient Persian and Arabian occult books and manuscripts
in North America. We work diligently to translate these works into
English and present them as is, or work them into our materials... The
majority of our corpus material is written in Arabic and Persian.
However, our practices go back to the ancient Magi of Chaldea, and that
is truly where the spiritual heart of our corpus lies. Our sources were
written by Arabian occultists, such as al-Buni, Ibn Arabi, and many
others, in the Middle Ages. These Arabic masters make heavy mention of
Hebrew writing, Hermetic lore, and Babylonian and Chaldean teachings.
- O.T.A. - Ordo Templi Astarte is a Hermetic Order
practicing Ceremonial Magick in the Western Occult Tradition -- but
with an essential difference; we are Romantic Pagans and we employ a
unique Pagan interpretation of the Kabbalah. Our initiations are
based on the 18th Century Rite of Crata Repoa and our magical
pantheon derives from Ancient Canaan."
- O.T.O. International headquarters. The letters O.T.O. stand for Ordo Templi Orientis, the Order of Oriental Templars, or Order
of the Temple of the East. O.T.O. is an Outer Thelemic Order which
is dedicated to the high purpose of securing the Liberty of the
Individual and his or her advancement in Light, Wisdom,
Understanding, Knowledge, and Power through Beauty, Courage, and
Wit, on the Foundation of Universal Brotherhood.
OThe Ordo Templi Orientis Phenomena - by Peter-R. Koenig
Theodor Reuss' Ordo Templi Orientis rituals © "The
researcher will find here a choice of Reuss' original OTO initiation
rituals (Scottish Rite, Cerneau, Royal Arch, Rose Croix, Pike-de
Ladebat and Memphis-Mizraim derivations) that have been altered by Aleister Crowley for his English branch.
Templars and Other Chivalric Orders
- Baille of Sidon: A Knights Templar Site
- DeMolay International Official Home Page - Freemasonic organization for young men.
- Grand Encampment of Knights Templar - A Freemasonic Chivilric Order attached to the York rite of Freemasonry.
- A history and Mythos of the Knights Templar - Lots
facts and information.
- The International Order of the Round Table - The
Order of the Round Table was established in 1908 by G.H.
Whyte. This movement was one of the manifestations of the strong
spiritual undercurrent that inspired the Western world at the
beginning of the twentieth century. From its beginning, the Order of
the Round Table found its inspiration in the legends of the original
Round Table. The modern Knights of the Round Table continue the
"search for the Holy Grail," but in a more symbolic and ethical
- Knight Templers Webring
- The Knights Templar Page
- The Order of Selohaar - The Order of Selohaar is an
initiatory order of chivalry dedicated to the preservation of honor,
nobility, arcane wisdom, and martial excellence in an age where such
traditions and values have generally been forgotten. Our order was
founded in 1979 to provide a creative environment and a climate of
mutual assistance for those who appreciate such ideals, beyond the
constraints of the usual outlets for anachronistic or mystical study
and activity."
- Sovereign Military Order of Malta - The official site of the Federal Association of the Sovereign Military Hospitaller Order of St. John of Jerusalem of Rhodes and of Malta (commonly known as the "Order of Malta").
- Templar
Mysteries - For almost two centuries, they had
autonomy over kings and answered only to the Pope, then as suddenly
as they appeared in history they were persecuted and hunted down as
heretics, enemies of the faith and had to be killed or suppressed at
any cost. What was the big secret that had to be silenced?
- Templar Research Institute - Templar Research
Institute (TRI) is about Nobility of Character. Modeled after the
medieval Order of The Knights Templar, TRI has as its goal the
harmonization of the world's Cultural and Spiritual Traditions
through a rigorous program of unbiased research. And, as with the
medieval Order of the Temple, TRI represents but the outer activity
of a Spiritual Core which animates it."
- The Order of Knights of Pythias - The Fraternal Order of Knights of Pythias and its members are dedicated to the cause of universal peace. Pythians are pledged to the promotion of understanding among men of good will as the surest means of attaining Universal Peace.
- The Castle of The Silver Star - A site with many interesting
articles on Thelema, Thelemic organizations and individuals, book
reviews etc. from the Newaeon magazine run by G. M Kelly. Most of
them arte highly critical and informative.
- College of Thelema and Temple of Theema - Founded in
service to the A.·.A.·., the College of Thelema seeks to guide the student to an
understanding of the Law of Thelema. Most especially, this means a
deeper understanding of oneself and of one's True Will. A
combination of instruction techniques is employed, including
seminars, written texts, and individual work. For over twenty years,
the College of Thelema has published the journals In the Continuum (1973-1996) and Black Pearl (1997-), maintaining high standards in Thelemic
- The Gnostic Alchemical Church of Typhon-Christ - The
Gnostic Alchemical Church of Typhon-Christ, with current branches
in France, England, Canada, and the USA seeks to further spread the
Gnosis through the revelations of the English Qaballa derived from
the Holy Books of Thelema, particularly Liber AL vel Legis, the Book
of the Law.
- Holy Order Of RaHoorKhuit - We are a Thelemic group
working the lesser and greater mysteries of the Western tradition as
these mysteries have been influenced by the Book of the Law.
- The Invisible Basilica_Contents
- The Invisible Basilica_Rituals
- The Order of the Thelemic Knights - A Thelemic
chivalric Order engaged in charity.
- L.O.G.D.O.S. - The London lodge of the Oxford Golden Dawn
Occult Society (LOGDOS) is a practical-based non-heirarchical occult
group which is not bound to any specific dogma. It was founded in
the summer of 1996 and meets regularly at sites around London.
Despite its slightly misleading name it is not dominated by the
magick of the Golden Dawn but draws influence from all magickal
- Nu Isis Working Group Welcome to the home page of Nu Isis Working Group in
Leeds, risen from the ashes of Sunwheel Oasis O.T.O. Currently
an informal group, Nu Isis is in the process of seeking official
recognition as a formally chartered encampment of O.T.O.
- O.G.D.O.S. Home page "...the Oxford Golden Dawn Occult
Society which takes its name from the Hermetic Order of the Golden
Dawn, the celebrated occult society that flourished at the end of
the last century. The magick we practice is a modern equivalent of
the old Hermetic Order of the GD system."
- Ordo A.'.A.'. Another group claiming to represent the A.'.A.'.; this
site has descriptions of the Outer Order grades with links to the
set text.
- Outer College
Curriculum Resources - And another one; this
site has online copies of and links to some of the material on the
old Student reading list.
Other Organizations
- Ancient Mysteries Applied To Modern Life "Welcome
to the Church of Light! If you have reached this page, then you are
probably new to our organization. If this is the case, then we
suggest that you momentarily set aside any preconceived notions
about science, religion and metaphysics. What you are going to find
here will probably differ markedly from anything you have seen
before. In fact, nowhere on the planet will you find so perfectly
integrated such diverse topics as God, practical occultism,
astrology, magic, the science of soul, religion, alchemy, "universal
welfare", "The Book of Nature".... so hold on to your hat as we
introduce you to the most important material of the dawning Aquarian
- Federation of Damanhur - Home Page - Founded in 1977, Damanhur is an internationally renowned center for spiritual
research. Situated in Valchiusella Valley, in the Alpine foothills
of northern Italy, Damanhur is a Federation of Communities and
Regions with over 800 citizens, a social and political structure, a
Constitution, 40 economic activities, 32; its own currency, schools
and a daily paper.
- Order of the
Grail Grand Commandery "ICES is a non-profit
educational institution devoted to the advancement and Mystical
enlightenment of Man. ICES is a COLLEGE, NOT a "secret Order". ICES is distributing lectures from the traditional initiatic stream.
Many of these lectures were originally in a foreign language and required translation into
English. Many of the lectures were once the knowledge-papers given in the particular fraternities. Many
of the-fraternities are now defunct thanks to World War II. Most of the lectures ICES
distributes are no longer available from their original sources.
- Philosophical Research Society - The Philosophical
Research Society was founded in 1934 by Manly P. Hall (1901-1990),
and has been publishing classical works in the field of comparative
religion and philosophy for over sixty years. The author of more
than two hundred volumes, Manly P. Hall was a philosopher of great
vision and knowledge. He wrote prolifically on a vast array of
subjects, including Western and Eastern religions and mysticism,
classical philosophy, personal psychology, et cetera. Always his
intention was to provide the student and seeker with insights which
could be applied directly to his or her own life and to the benefit
of humanity.
- Robert Masters Home "Robert E.L. Masters has been,
for more than three decades, Director of Research of The Foundation for Mind Research, which he co-founded. He is the
author or co-author of 25 books and more than 100 papers and
articles describing his researches into the varieties of human
behavior and potentials."
- Servants of the Star and Snake - The Magnum Opus of
Shri Gurudev Mahendranath Paramahamsa. The Magick
Way of Life of the Cosmic People To see the delusion of the material
world, its involvements, and its bondage, but also to understand its
relative reality as a matrix for development. The Cosmic People have
only one precept: "Not to cause harm, loss or suffering to any other
living creature beyond that of dire necessity." To develop the
powers and wisdom of the supraconscious mind; to become awake and
aware; to attain freedom on all levels. We came from God and to
divinity we must return.
- Societas Magica - Established at Kalamazoo in 1995 by
Richard Kieckhefer, Claire Fanger and Robert Mathiesen, the Societas
Magica was created to further communication and exchange among
scholars interested in the study of magic during the middle ages as
well as in antiquity and the early modern period. Its range of
concerns includes the sociology of magic, magical practices and
theories of magic, as well as magical objects, artifacts and texts.
Middle Eastern
Paranormal, Psychism and ESP
Edgar Cayce
OBE, Out of Body Experience
Philadelphia Experiment
Unexplained Phenomena
Hermetic Qabalah
- Colin's Hermetic Kabbalah Site - Dedicated to publishing modern material
on Kabbalah and related topics.
- Kabbalah FAQ "This Kabbalah FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
was prepared for the Usenet/Internet newsgroup "alt.magick".
It is intended to provide a brief introduction to Kabbalah, and pointers
to additional sources of information."
- M. Alan Kazlev's Kabbalah Site A definite place to visit
for lots of information on many different facets of the Kabbalah. This
is part of a vast resource site by M Alan Kazlev.
- The Magick and Mysticism of Bill Heidrick.
This site possess a number of articles, and texts on the QBLH from a
well known figure in QBLH, magick and Thelema.
Jewish Tradition
Learn Hebrew
Easy Hebrew_ Correspondence Course - Hebrew
language course for Christians who long for spiritual insight into the
Bible and a working knowledge of Hebrew, instead of dry difficult
Hebrew Language Resources - Biblical Hebrew language
resources and learning tools, including interactive Aleph-Beth Flash Cards.
- AstroQab by Mallukh AHI "One of the main purposes of this website is to
elucidate some of the major teachings of the Tibetan Master Djwhal
Khul by revealing the close relationship that exists between His
teachings and the ancient Hebrew metaphysical system called the qabalah
and its associated Tree of Life diagram. Hopefully, in the process, this
information will also contribute something of value to the ever-growing
reservoir of knowledge concerning the mysteries of the holy
qabalah." Packed with very unusaula and challenging
- Copenhagen Qabalah - A resource center for the Western tradition of healing magic, the Hermetic Qabalah.
- Freemasonry
in Israel
- Judaism Reading List: Kabbalah and Mysticism (another site)
- Kabbalah:
Bibliographical Guide
- The Kabbalah Connection
- The Kabbalah Learning Center Home Page
- Kabbalah Society - Toledano Tradition - This
line of Kabbalah follows the Toledano Tradition dating back to medieval
Spain where the three branches of the Abrahamic revelation met in a
civilised cosmopolitan atmosphere, not unlike our own epoch.
- The Kabbalah Software Site
- The Templum Kabbalah Course Site. "The Templum site offers a one year Kabbalah course and the freely downloadable Magican's Kabbalah book with
Kabbalah rituals, Kabbalah essays and exercises, teaching the basic
framework of Kabbalistic concepts applied to the Western Mystery
Tradition. This course is available on-line for all students.
- The Tetragrammaton Formula - The Tetragrammaton Formula: The Evolution of Matter and the Soul by Shraga Friedman.
- The Tree-of-Life School of Kabbalistic Healing "THE TREE-OF-LIFE SCHOOL OF KABBALISTIC HEALING
(Phase I) offers you a unique, one year, in-depth study program in the
practical application of the mystical kabbalah. Enrollment is limited to
36 students who will meet in community and commit to a program of
kabbalistic exercises, meditations and practices in order to explore
inner space/time and the higher dimensions of consciousness."
Virtual Tree of Life
Confusion on the Internet
There exist a confusing number of modern Rosicrucian organizations with a presence on the internet today. Which of them are legitimate and by what criteria can one define a legitimate Rosicrucian order or society? First of all, no one single Rosicrucian group can legitimately lay claim to being "the Rosicrucian order" in any sort of exclusive sense. One may indeed speak, however, of a legitimate Rosicrucian historical tradition and corpus as well as of Rosicrucian esoteric transmissions.
There has been a great deal of academic, historical research done in recent years regarding the Rosicrucians, Rosicrucian Orders and Societies, as well as about the Rosicrucian tradition. One thing is quite clear. Rosicrucianism has throughout history occupied itself with certain, quite specific things. It is historically incontestable, for example, that early Rosicrucians were primarily interested in alchemy. They were also without doubt interested in theurgy, gnosticism, qabalah, hermeticism, astrology, and esoteric Christianity. Can one not expect modern Rosicrucian orders and societies to study, teach, and practice these things as well? If they do not, are they not Rosicrucian merely in name only?
If a Rosicrucian order or society represents a historical continuity of the Rosicrucian tradition, should it not also fully possess of the specific teachings of the various historical Rosicrucian orders and societies that came before them? Is it unreasonable to expect modern Rosicrucian groups to stand on the shoulders of their predecessors? Should they not necessarily be the inheritors of the documents, teachings, practices, etc., of these earlier Rosicrucian bodies...their alchemical instructions, their esoteric teachings, their initiation rituals and grade instructions? Otherwise, in what way other than in name only are they Rosicrucian?
Unfortunately, precious few of the modern societies and orders calling themselves Rosicrucian come even close to meeting these quite reasonable standards. They all at least study and teach something, but what do their teachings actually have to do with the true, historical Rosicrucian tradition? And of the few groups that actually do study and teach subjects truly Rosicrucian, even fewer actually practice these things as did their predecessors.
The following analysis of specific Rosicrucian societies and orders will reveal how precious little there truly Rosicrucian among many of them, except of course that they all call themselves Rosicrucian. There are, however, a few noteworthy exceptions. The Freemasonic Rosicrucian research bodies SRIA, SRIC, and MSRICF dedicate themselves exclusively to historical research about Rosicrucianism. Furthermore, there have existed Rosicrucian orders for hundreds of years that were only open to Freemasons (quite notably the Fraternitas Aureae et Rosea Crucis in 18th Century Germany). This gives these august Freemasonic Rosicrucian research societies a certain unique claim to a continuity of the historical Rosicrucian tradition. These societies, however, do not actually practice alchemy, theurgy, gnosticism, qabalah, hermeticism, or esoteric Christianity as did their predecessors.
Indeed, there exists only one, single, modern Rosicrucian order that actually practices alchemy, theurgy, astrology, gnosticism, qabalah, hermeticism, and esoteric Christianity in addition to studying and teaching them. This is S.L. MacGregor Mathers' Roscicrucian Order of Alpha et Omega (A.O.) and its Second Order, the R.R. et A.C. The Alpha et Omega today possesses the archival documents of nearly all earlier Rosicrucian bodies...their secret alchemical instructions, their esoteric teachings, their initiation rituals, and the complete instructions of their grades. All of this puts Mathers' A.O. in a unique position as a living, practicing inheritor of the historical Rosicrucian tradition.
All of the information given below is true and accurate to the best of our knowledge. The purpose of making this following information available is to diminish public confusion by providing true and accurate information about the various Rosicrucian organizations having a presence on the internet. Any errors are unintentional and not deliberate. We invite any Rosicrucian organization to inform us in writing of any mistake we might unintentionally have made.
- Rosicrucian Order of Alpha et Omega (A.O.)® - The historical Rosicrucian tradition has practiced both Alchemy and Theurgy (Magic) since its inception. Most modern "Rosicrucian" groups offer little or nothing in this traditional regard. The Rosicrucian Order of the Alpha et Omega, founded by S.L. MacGregor Mathers in Paris in 1906, however, offers a complete course in training in both Rosicrucian Theurgy (Magic) and Rosicrucian Alchemy. The Alpha et Omega is not only the inheritor of the operative Rosicrucian and Hermetic traditions, but of the esoteric transmissions of nearly every earlier Rosicrucian fraternity as well, including the Gold und Rosenkreutz Order (18th Century Germany), the Asiatic Brethren, Bacstrom's Rosicrucian Society, the FAR+C, etc. Moreover, A.O.'s Third Order additionally offers initiation and training in Hermetic Inner Alchemy and Alchemical Theurgy, which use love and sexuality as "subtle fires" to "cook" and transmute the matter of the physical body (the "prima materia") into ever more subtle forms of energy. The goal of this process is the cultivation of a "Solar body of light" into which the alchemist projects his or her consciousness at the moment of death, thus becoming consciously immortal. These practices have always comprised the highest teachings of both the Hermetic and the Rosicrucian alchemical traditions.
- Their First or Outer Order is the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. (H.O.G.D.). Their Second Order is the Ordo Rosae Rubeae et Aureae Crucis (R.R. et A.C.). The name of their Third Order is a carefully guarded secret. Unlike the newly created American groups calling themselves "Golden Dawn," yet having no legitimate connection with the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn founded in Great Britain in 1888, this order is a direct lineal descendent of the original H.O.G.D. and the sole and exclusive owner of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn® trademark in the European Union (reg. 000063925). They additionally own the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn International® trademark in Canada (CIPO Reg. TMA510387). In the United States, they operate by legal agreement adopted by United States District Court as the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, outer order of the Rosicrucian Order of Alpha et Omega.® They hold primary Golden Dawn lineage deriving directly from the secret Continental European order of Hermetic alchemists, commonly referred to as the "Secret Chiefs" (Geheime Oberen), who are the "source of origin" of all of the initiation rituals, teachings, and spiritual practices of all of the grades comprising all three orders set forth in the original Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. These lineages were transmitted through Kenneth MacKenzie in 1850 (for the First Order, the H.O.G.D.), S.L. MacGregor Mathers in 1891 (for the Second Order, the R.R. et A.C.), and through Jean-Pascal Ruggiu and David Griffin in 2002 (for the Third Order). They hold auxiliary lineages that include R.W. Felkin's Stella Matutina, S.L. MacGregor Mathers' Alpha et Omega, A.E. Waite's Fellowship of the Rosy Cross, G.W. MacGregor Reid's Ancient Druid Order, Madeline Montalban's Order of the Morning Star (Ordo Stella Matutina), and Countess Tamara Bourkoun's Order of the Pyramid and the Sphinx as transmitted by Desmond Bourke, Countess Tamara Bourkoun, and Marquis Nicholas Tereschenko. They additionally hold a vast array of supplementary Rosicrucian lineages and/or esoteric transmissions that include the Gold und Rosenkreutz Order (Fraternitas Aureae et Rosae Crucis), the Order of the Asiatic Brethren (Fratres Lucis), the Societas Rosicruciana of Backstrom, Les Frères Ainées de la Rose+Croix (F.A.R.+C., The Elder Brothers of the Rose+Cross), the Rose Croix d'Orient (Rose Cross of Egypt) and the Reaux Croix (Elus Cohen).
- In order to distinguish themselves from the groups engendered by Regardie's and Crowley's publications that dead end where the published material leaves off, this order decided in 1999 to completely reform its Second Order, the Rosae Rubeae et Aureae Crucis (R.R. et A.C.), and moved all material that had been profaned by publication to its outer order, the (H.O.G.D.). As a result, where the Regardie-based Golden Dawn groups leave off, their Second Order, the R.R. et A.C., just begins with a completely traditional and extremely substantial magical and alchemical curriculum derived entirely from pre-Golden Dawn, Hermetic and Rosicrucian esoteric transmissions. The putative "Second Orders" of the Regardie-based groups, on the other hand, are but empty shells containing little or nothing beyond well-known, published material. Another important distinction is that their beginning students study and practice ritual magic immediately upon entering their First Order, the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. In the Regardie-based groups, however, the practice of ritual magic is largely reserved for their putative "Second Orders," merely because these groups have little or nothing to teach their students beyond what is available in any esoteric bookstore.
- The distinction between this order and the Regardie-based groups does not end at the Second Order level. The Golden Dawn was originally conceived in 1888 as merely the beginning of a three order system, comprising grades form Neophyte (0=0) through Ipsissisimus (10=1) with the R.R. et A.C. as the Golden Dawn's Second Order. Golden Dawn co-founder, S.L. MacGregor Mathers, received the material to create the R.R. et A.C. from physical representatives of the extremely secretive, Continental European mystery school to whom Mathers referred to as the "Secret Chiefs," and with whom he established contact in 1891 in Paris. At that historic meeting, Mathers was also given certain teachings about spiritual sexuality, notably certain techniques of "Hermetic Inner Alchemy" and "Alchemical Magic," which were intended for eventual inclusion in the Golden Dawn's projected Third Order. Unfortunately, Mathers passed away before he mastered these techniques well enough to manifest the Golden Dawn's planned Third Order. Mathers nonetheless did communicate some of the more advanced teachings regarding spiritual sexuality to certain students, like J.W. Brodie Innes.
- In 2002, leaders of the European headquartered H.O.G.D. were invited to meet with representatives of Mathers' "Secret Chiefs" in Paris once again. At this meeting, they were given everything for the Third Order that had been envisioned for the Golden Dawn since its inception in 1888. These materials included the initiation rituals for the Golden Dawn system's three highest grades (called "Magisteria"); Magister Templi (8-3), Magus (9=2) and Ipsissimus (10=1). Unlike the higher grades of R.W. Felkin's "Stella Matutina" or of A.E. Waite's "Fellowship of the Rosy Cross" these grades are not merely nominal or titular, but come with substantial, extremely advanced teachings. The order was given, for the curriculum of these higher grades, a vast esoteric corpus including not only the elementary sexual practices from Hermetic Inner Alchemy and Alchemical Magic given to Mathers by the "Secret Chiefs" for the first Magisterium of Magister Templi, but the continuation and culmination of these teachings for the second and third Magisteria of Magus and Ipsissimus as well.
- The techniques of Hermetic "Inner" Alchemy comprise the highest wisdom and represent the capstone on the pyramid of the Western esoteric tradition. This alchemical practice uses the subtle fires of the body, including love and sexuality, to transmute the "lead" of the physical body (or "Prima Materia") into the "gold" of a solar body, into which the Adept projects his or her consciousness at the moment of death, thus becoming consciously immortal.
- Rosae Rubea et Aurea Crucis (R.R. et A.C.)® - The R.R. et A.C. is the Second Order of S.L. MacGregor Mathers' Alpha et Omega and was founded by Mathers (1854-1918) in 1892 as the Second Order of the original Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn (1888). The Rosicrucian affiliation of the A.O. order derives through Hungarian Count Apponyi through Kenneth MacKenzie in 1851 and S.L. MacGregor Mathers from Frater Lux E Tenebris in 1891. The R.R. et A.C. enjoys the unique distinction of being the only modern Rosicrucian order that studies, teaches, and also practices every esoteric aspect of the historical Rosicrucian traditon (alchemy, theurgy, astrology, gnosticism, qabalah, hermeticism, and esoteric Christianity).
- Ancient and Mystical Order Rosae Crucis (A.M.O.R.C.) - A.M.O.R.C. was first founded as the American branch of the European A.A.O.R.R.A.C. around 1912. Its first Imperator was Dr. H. Spencer Lewis (1883-1939). He was succeeded by his son Ralph Maxwell Lewis (1902-1987), who developed the mail lesson and home initiation system. The tenure of A.M.O.R.C.'s third Imperator, Gary Stewart (1953-), ended in corruption scandal and massive schism that created a plethora of A.M.O.R.C. clones. Stewart was then succeeded by the former French Grand Master, Christian Bernard, who remains the current Imperator.
- There exists nothing whatsoever in the teachings of A.M.O.R.C. today that have anything even remotely to do with legitimate, historical Rosicrucian tradition. A.M.O.R.C. neither studies, teaches, nor practices alchemy, theurgy, astrology, gnosticism, qabalah, nor hermeticism. Instead, A.M.O.R.C.'s teachings consist entirely of mysticism and metaphysical speculations. They have a scientific style, with practical experiments and instructions. They also reflect a distinctly modern, psychological approach to mysticism, including ideas like the power of positive thinking. A.M.O.R.C. possesses no significant archival documents from historical Rosicrucian bodies that contain any truly Rosicrucian esoteric teachings, secret alchemical instructions, initiation rituals, etc.
- Ancient Rosae Crucis (A.R.C.) - The A.R.C. is a schismatic order, located only in the U.S.A, created by former members of A.M.O.R.C. following the Stewart corruption scandal. Ashley McFadden is the present Imperatrix. ARC is only located in the USA. ARC's teachings are based on the A.M.O.R.C. lessons of the 1950's and thus have nothing to do with legitimate, historical Rosicrucian tradition. ARC neither studies, teaches, nor practices alchemy, theurgy, astrology, gnosticism, qabalah, nor hermeticism. ARC possesses no significant archival documents from historical Rosicrucian bodies that contain any truly Rosicrucian esoteric teachings, secret alchemical instructions, initiation rituals, etc.
- Antiquus Arcanus Ordo Rosae Rubeae et Aureae Crucis (A.A.O.R.R.A.C.) - The Antiquus Arcanus Ordo Rosae Rubeae et Aureae Crucis (A.A.O.R.R.A.C.) is another schismatic order from AMORC. This order was created after World War II, and thus represents a "pre-Stewart" schism caused when AMORC's Grand Master resigned. Eduard Munninger [1901-1965] founded A.A.O.R.R.A.C.. Former AMORC member Karl Plank heads the order today. Like the other AMORC schismatic orders, the A.A.O.R.R.A.C.'s teachings are based on AMORC's and thus have nothing to do with legitimate, historical Rosicrucian tradition. A.A.O.R.R.A.C. neither studies, teaches, nor practices alchemy, theurgy, astrology, gnosticism, qabalah, nor hermeticism. They apparently have had significant contacts with the OTO, however, so there might be a Thelemic influence. A.A.O.R.R.A.C. possesses no significant archival documents from historical Rosicrucian bodies that contain any truly Rosicrucian esoteric teachings, secret alchemical instructions, initiation rituals, etc
- Confraternity of the Rose Cross (CR+C) The Confraternity of the Rose Cross (CR+C) is a schismatic order led by former AMORC Imperator Gary Lee Stewart (1953-) and connected with the Ordo Militia Crucifera Evangelica (OMCE), a Templar order also led by Stewart. Since CR+C's teachings are directly based on AMORC's lessons, they have little to do with the legitimate, historical Rosicrucian tradition. CR+C neither studies, teaches, nor practices alchemy, theurgy, astrology, gnosticism, nor hermeticism. ARC possesses no significant archival documents from historical Rosicrucian bodies that contain any truly Rosicrucian esoteric teachings, secret alchemical instructions, initiation rituals, etc.
- Fraternitas Rosicruciana Antiqua (F.R.A.) - Fraternitas Rosicruciana Antiqua was founded by the German esotericist Arnoldo Krumm-Heller [1879-1949] around 1927 in South-America. Krum-Heller was in contact with OTO, OMM, Martinism, A.M.O.R.C., FRC and more. He also received degrees from both Papus and Reuss. Little is known about the teachings of FRA. They are reputed to practice a theurgical system using runes. The different branches in different countries today all function independently. Although they do practice theurgy, it is unlikely that they study, teach, nor practice alchemy, theurgy, astrology, gnosticism, qabalah, nor hermeticism and thus likely have little to do with legitimate, historical Rosicrucian tradition. They are not known to possess any significant archival documents from historical Rosicrucian bodies that contain any truly Rosicrucian esoteric teachings, secret alchemical instructions, initiation rituals, etc.
- Fraternitas Rosae Crucis (F.R.C.) - The F.R.C. was founded by Reuben Swinburne Clymer (1878-1966) around 1920. Clymer today remains most famous for his quarrels and court battles with H. Spencer Lewis, the founder of A.M.O.R.C.. The headquarters, Beverly Hall is located in Quakertown, Pennsylvania. Clymer claimed to have received an affiliation from Pascal Beverly Randolph (1825-1875). This appears to be untrue, Clymer actually having purchased some of Randolph's documents after his death. Nonetheless, the teachings of the Fraternitas Rosae Crucis are based on the writings of Randolph who appears to have had at least a legitimate Rosicrucian esoteric transmission. Nonetheless, the Fraternitas Rosae Crucis neither studies, teaches, nor practices alchemy, theurgy, astrology, gnosticism, qabalah, nor hermeticism. FRC does not possess any significant archival documents whatsoever from historical Rosicrucian bodies containing any esoteric teachings, secret alchemical instructions, initiation rituals, etc., with the noteworthy exception of the Randolph documents.
- Invisible Temple No. 0, - The Invisible Temple No. 0, (R.R. et A.C.) is a group apparently consisting mostly of high grade members of the Freemasonic Societas Rosicruciana in Civitatibus Foederatis (MSRICF). MSRICF claims to be a Freemasonic society dedicated to exclusively to historical research about Rosicrucianism. MSRICF is open by invitation only, and exclusively to high grade Freemasons, and requires that its members belong to no other Rosicrucian orders or societies. It therefore seems like the real reason why the clandestine Temple No. 0 remains invisible is to protect many its members from being thrown out of MSRICF.
- A few years ago, a high grade member of MSRICF from Toulouse, France approached Senior Adepts of the real RR+AC with an amazing story. He had just returned from a meeting of the Freemasonic College of Rites in the USA. At that meeting, MSRICF was preparing to install itself in France. On that occasion, this high grade Freemason from the York rite in France, was given one of the highest grades in MSRICF Astonishingly, however, he also claimed that the Invisible Temple No. 0, Ordo Roseae Rubeae et Aurea Crucis had then been clandestinely convened in a hotel room to confer upon him the Adeptus Exemptus (7=4) degree of the RR+AC. He further claimed to have received a Golden Dawn charter from this clandestine temple.
- He then approached Adepts of the real RR+AC with this fantastic story, asking them to give formal recognition to his grade and charter, although he himself had never seen the inside of a Golden Dawn temple. They of course refused. This Freemason and member of MSRICF appeared not to understand at all why the 7=4 Grade of the RR+AC could not legitimately be conferred on him with a wave of a hand like the higher degrees of MSRICF.
- He claimed that the legitimacy of both his Golden Dawn charter and Adeptus Exemptus (7=4) Initiation derive from Gary Ford, a member of MSRICF and founder of the clandestine Invisible Temple No. 0. Gary Ford allegedly received both his 7=4 initiation and Golden Dawn charter from Christopher Hyatt. Pat Zalewski of New Zealand has fortunately been able to lay the fantastic claims of this false RR+AC Invisible Temple No. 0 to rest once and for all. According to Pat Zalewski, the only charter that Christopher Hyatt ever received was a conditional one for the grades of the outer order only. Furthermore, Zalewski only initiated Christopher Hyatt up to the 6=5 grade of Adeptus Major. Gary Ford apparently claims that Hyatt received his 7=4 from Israel Regardie. Pat Zalewski, however, states in no uncertain terms that this is nonsense, that he never initiated Israel Regardie into the 7=4 Grade. The 7=4 Grade certificate for Israel Regardie published by Hyatt in "The Complete Golden Dawn System of Magic" was signed after the death of Regardie. The notion that Hyatt ever received the 7=4 grade from Regardie, according to Zalewski is nonsense.
- Thus the wild claims of this MSRICF member and the Clandestine Temple No. 0 of this fake RR+AC have been laid to rest once and for all. What is most astonishing, however, is that the High Council continues to allow members of MSRICF to belong to Gary Ford's pseudo-rosicrucian order, considering MSRICF's requirement that its members belong to no other Rosicrucian order or society. Perhaps the High Council of MSRICF are not even aware of the existence of the Invisible Temple No. 0 or Gary Ford's clandestine pseudo-Rosicrucian activities. In any case, it is clear that the clandestine Temple Nº 0 has no legitimacy in any sense and confers the grades of the RR+AC in a completely irregular manner. The grades of the true RR+AC imply a great deal of theurgical and alchemical work, and thus can not be handed out willy-nilly like the grades of MSRICF.
- "I gave Regardie a 7=4 as an honorary capacity after his death. Those who knew Regardie knew he never would accept a 7=4 from anyone living. Gary Ford when he went through Regardie's papers found a telegram from me stating he was a 7=4. That is pretty much a joke. Regardie and I used to promote and demote ourselves almost on a monthly basis. When he did something good he was a 7=4 and when I was bad, I was demoted to 2=9. Ford took this seriously though. In fact I knew Gary Ford, respected his talents and quite liked the man. I sent him the telegram to Regardie when he sent a batch of his past papers. Regardie was never a 7=4 or considered himself one. Even the 6=5 I gave him he treated in an honorary capacity, with a bit of humor. The wording of the charter given to Hyatt is often overlooked and what that charter actually empowered to. It exclusively gave him the right to initiate and advance candidates in the grades the Outer order, not the Inner." -Pat Zalewski
- Lectorium Rosicrucianum - (International School of the Golden Rosy Cross) Lectorium Rosicrucianum claims to be the successor of the 18th Century German Gold und Rosenkreutz Orden (Fraternitas Aureae et Rosae Crucis) but nothing could be further from the truth. Actually they have no Rosicrucian affiliation whatsoever. Founded in 1924 as a branch of the Rosicrucian Fellowship by Jan van Rijckenborgh (1896-1968) whose real name was Jan Leene, Lectorium Rosicrucianum took on its present name in 1945 having become independent following a schism in 1936.
- The Lectorium Rosicrucianum neither studies, teaches, nor practices alchemy, theurgy, qabalah, hermeticism, nor esoteric Christianity. Instead, they teach an extremely dualistic, Gnostic pessimism inspired by the Cathars. They view matter as something inherently evil and shun all forms of occultism.
- This would be fine if they called themselves the "International School of the Cathar Gnostic Pessimism," but they do not. Instead they claim to be the successors of the Gold und Rosenkreutz Order. This is a philosophical contradiction. The Gold und Rosenkreutz Order were hermeticists and practicing alchemists. True Rosicrucian hermeticism, as practiced by the Gold und Rosenkreutz Order, sees matter as containing a divine spark, as the "prima materia," a most precious substance to be used in the "opus magnum" (great work) and transmuted into Spirit. Furthermore, the Gold und Rosenkreutz Order not only studied and taught the historical Rosicrucian subjects, but practiced them as well, including theurgy (magic) and alchemy. The world view of the Lectorium Rosicrucianum is not only diametrically opposed to that of the true the Gold und Rosenkreutz Order, but they actually shun the practices of the order as well!
- The Rose Cross Order (Orden Rosacruz) - Headquartered in Las Palmas in the Spanish Canary Islands, this order, led by Angel Martín Velayos appears to be yet another modern start-up without any true Rosicrucian lineage or practices at all. They give no historical information on their I and repeated requests for factual information about their history have not been answered. They do have a beautiful website, however, and appear to be investing a great deal of money in marketing on the internet.
- Order of the Grail, Joan of Arc Commandery The Order of the Grail, officially known as the Rosicrucian and Military Order of the Sacred Grail is a
traditional order of mystic chivalry.
- The Rosicrucian Fellowship - (Association of Christian Mystics) - The Rosicrucian Fellowship was founded in 1911 by Max Heindel (1865-1919), whose real name was Carl Louis von Grasshof. The group's headquarters is in Oceanside, CA. Heindel never claimed his group to be descendants of historical Rosicrucians. Inspired by Rudolph Steiner, the teachings of the Rosicrucian Fellowship derive directly from the Theosophical Society of Madame Blavatsky. These teachings have almost nothing to do with the historical Rosicrucian traditon. The Rosicrucian Fellowship neither studies, teaches, nor practices alchemy, theurgy, gnosticism, qabalah, nor hermeticism. They do, however, teach some things concerning astrology, although not along Rosicrucian lines. They possess no significant archival documents from earlier Rosicrucian bodies containing any esoteric teachings, secret alchemical instructions, initiation rituals, etc.
- The Rosicrucian Fellowship - The Rosicrucian Fellowship was founded in 1911 by Max Heindel (1865-1919), whose real name was Carl Louis von Grasshof. The group's headquarters is in Oceanside, CA. Heindel never claimed his group to be descendants of historical Rosicrucians. Inspired by Rudolph Steiner, the teachings of the Rosicrucian Fellowship derive directly from the Theosophical Society of Madame Blavatsky. These teachings have almost nothing to do with the historical Rosicrucian traditon. The Rosicrucian Fellowship neither studies, teaches, nor practices alchemy, theurgy, gnosticism, qabalah, nor hermeticism. They do, however, teach some things concerning astrology, although not along Rosicrucian lines. They possess no significant archival documents from earlier Rosicrucian bodies containing any esoteric teachings, secret alchemical instructions, initiation rituals, etc.
- Sodalitas Rosae Crucis et Solis Alati - The Sodalitas Rosae Crucis et Solis Alati is an order in apparently struggling to find its own identity. The group states that it is a hybrid of the Rosicrucianism, Gnosticism, Martinistism, Golden Dawn, and Egyptian Freemasonry.
- Societas Rosicruciana in America - The Societas Rosicruciana in America (improperly called S.R.I.A. to cause confusion with the real, British S.R.I.A.) is an irregular Freemasonic-style Occult society founded by George Plummer. Plummer submitted an application to gain recognition and regularity for the Soc. Ros. in America from the Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia, and corresponded briefly in this regard with W. Wynn Wescott. The application was immediately rejected by the High Council of the Soc. Ros. In Anglia. The American's organization's persistence in calling itself "S.R.I.A." (sic) is therefore obviously indicative of an intent to mislead the public.
- Due to Plummer's brief correspondence with Wescott, false but persistent rumors have been circulated for years that the Soc. Ros. In America received either a Golden Dawn charter or a regular ritual transmission from Wescott. That this deception has been intentional is evidenced on the orders website where they write: "it was during this time that the Societas Rosicruciana in America received the status from Dr. Wm. W. Westcott to work with the Golden Dawn system." In reality, there exists no evidence at all that the Soc. Ros. In America ever received either a charter or even a regular ritual transmission from either the Golden Dawn or any if its derivative orders.
- The Soc. Ros. In America did eventually begin to work a version of Golden Dawn ritual, which was derived not from Wescott, but rather pieced together from Aleister Crowley's published account of Golden Dawn rituals in "The Equinox." In a move to achieve at least a veneer of legitimacy, the Soc. Ros. In America appointed Aleister Crowley to its board of directors, before finally obtaining a Rosicrucian charter of questionable validity from the Quakertown Rosicrucians descending from Reuben Swinburne Clymer.
- In the 1980s and 1990s, the group was presided over by "Sister Lucia" Grosch. Whatever tenuous lineage Soc. Ros. In America might ever have enjoyed, with certainty ended when Grosch dissolved its high council in the 1980s. Grosch was later sued by Mr. Frank Modica in the 1990's in a real property suit that nearly bankrupted Grosch. Substantally destitute, Grosch accepted financial assistance from Maria Babwahsingh apparently in exchange for handing over leadership of the Soc. Ros. In America to Babwahsingh.
- Under Maria Babwahsingh's present leadership, the Soc. Ros. in America today makes a host of specious and misleading lineage claims on its website including claims of charters from the Golden Dawn, the R.R. et A.C., and the Alpha et Omega. These claims have been deemed vacuous by Golden Dawn historian, Anthony Fleming (aka Tony Fuller), who wrote: "If I am correct in thinking that you dispute any direct and official ritual transmission from the Golden Dawn, Stella Matutina or Alpha et Omega to the Soc. Ros. in America, then I agree with you. Their rituals are sui generis and while, as noted by R.A. Gilbert there is Golden Dawn material included in some of them, I am not aware of any evidence that this occurred through any authorized Charter, Warrant, etc. from the Golden Dawn, Stella Matutina, or Alpha et Omega." Indeed, closer examination of the host of alleged charters published on the Soc. Ros. In America website reveals them, in actually, to be nothing but a collection of worthless, and completely unrelated documents.
- Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia (S.R.I.A.) - The Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia (SRIA) originated in Edinburgh on December 31, 1866, when Robert Wentworth Little (1840-1878) and William Haughan were initiated into a Rosicrucian Society in Scotland. This society was based on an earlier Rosicrucian society in England about which little is known, except that it is likely of Britanic origin and that the ritual they used had no relationship to the Gold und Rosenkreutz Order in Germany.
- The Freemasonic Rosicrucian research bodies (SRIA, SRIC, and MSRICF) all dedicate themselves exclusively to historical research about Rosicrucianism. Since there have indeed existed Rosicrucian orders open only to Freemasons since 18th Century Germany (Fraternitas Aureae et Rosea Crucis), Freemasonic Rosicrucian research societies at the very least stand as the structural inheritors of Freemasonic Rosicrucianism. Thus they indeed enjoy a unique claim to continuance of an important aspect of the historical Rosicrucian tradition. These societies study all aspects of the historical Rosicrucian tradition, including alchemy, theurgy, astrology, gnosticism, qabalah, hermeticism, and esoteric Christianity. They do not, however, practice any of these disciplines.
- The reliability of the SRIA possessing any sort of legitimate Rosicrucian affiliation has been seriously compromised by two false stories about its origins historically propagated by the society. According to the first story: "An 18th century Italian Ambassador came to England who possessed certain Rosicrucian secrets, the authority to confer grades and to pass on to disciples that authority. Among the last of those disciples was Grand Secretary, W.H. White. White initiated R.W. Little into the secrets of the fraternity and gave him the authority to recruit others. Little later found some Rosicrucian papers in the cellar of Freemasons' Hall which became the ritual of SRIA." A version of this story was deliberately propagated by the society with the knowledge of the High Council, when W. Wynn Wescott published it in "The Historical Notes of the SRIA." The only proof of this story cited by Wescott was the first page of a letter written by Grand Chaplain of the Grand Lodge of England, T.F. Ravenshaw. This story was later proven to be false and every shred of evidence refuted in a paper by Freemasonic researcher Bruce Wilson in 1947. The aforementioned letter had been published by Wescott in incomplete form, for example. Bruce Wilson found and published the entire letter, the second page of which clearly demonstrated that it had nothing whatsoever to do with the SRIA, but rather with the Red Cross of Constantine.
- The second story concerned Kenneth MacKenzie (1833-1866) and was first circulated in 1892. The story alleged that: "MacKenzie had early in his life been the tutor of Count Apponyi in Austria, where he was initiated into the Gold und Rosenkreutz Order (FA+RC) and given the IX degree. He was further given the authority to establish a Rosicrucian society in England, which he then communicated to Little." MacKenzie was listed as a Past Magus of the SRIA on a leaflet stating the aims of the society in 1892, signed by then Secretary General W.J. Ferguson. The attempt to posthumously frame MacKenzie as the founder of the society, and thus claim for the SRIA an affiliation deriving from the Fraternitas Aureae et Rosae Crucis in Germany, reached new depths of depravity when even the original Society register was altered. MacKenzie's name originally stood as number 114. This was altered to 0. This story was also refuted and the relevant forgeries exposed by Bruce Wilson. Wilson also explained how the fiction of MacKenzie as the founder of SIRA was quickly dropped, but survived in a modified form wherein MacKenzie was said to have unofficially helped Little in founding the order in 1865.
- In his 1947 paper, "The Origin of our Rosicrucian Society," Wilson reveals an astonishing discovery. It turns out that Kenneth MacKenzie actually had been initiated into a Rosicrucian society and had indeed received a warrant from Count Apponyi. Furthermore, MacKenzie did actually use this warrant to found a Rosicrucian organization, but it was not the SRIA! Wilson reveals that the warranted organization was none other than the first phase of the Golden Dawn, as a branch of a Continental society called the Brothers of Light. This is a reference to the Order of the Asiatic Brethren (also called the Ritter und Bruder des Lichts or Knights and Brothers of Light).
- The Asiatic Brethren was a schismatic Rosicrucian order founded in 1780 by then member of the Gold und Rosenkreutz order Hans Heinrich von Ecker und Eckhoffen (1750-1790). Interestingly, the Asiatic Brethren was a Rosicrucian order which allowed Jews among its members at a time that antisemitism was rampant in Germany. Among its Jewish members figured prominent Qabalists from the heretical sect of Sabatai Zevi such as Ephraim Hirschfeld (?- 1819) and Thomas von Schonfeld (whose real name was Moses Dobrucshka). Thus the order of the Asiatic Brethren holds a unique place in the history of the Rosicrucian tradition, as having fully developed its Qabalistic aspect for the first time. Interestingly, the Sabataian Qabalah of the Asiatic Brethren is of exactly the same nature as that later found in the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn.
- Bruce Wilson, in his revolutionary paper, goes on to explain that two temples of "Brothers of Light" were founded in England (Hermanoubis Temple N 2 was in Bristol under F.G. Irwin), but that they waited in vain for the rituals which were never completed. This explains why, when the triad of Woodman, MacGregor Mathers, and Westcott was completed, the Isis-Urania Temple was numbered as Temple N 3, since it was originally envisioned as a continuation of the first phase of the Golden Dawn. This likely also explains the origins of the mysterious "cypher manuscripts," which later fell into the hands of Wescott and eventually became the rituals of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. The cypher manuscripts were certainly the skeletal formula for the rituals of the society created by Kenneth MacKenzie to receive the Apponyi Rosicrucian affiliation and transmission.
- A number of scholars have speculated whether or not there might have been an historical relationship between the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn and the "Lodge zur goldenen Morgonrthe" in Frankfurt am Main. Recent research by Rosicrucian scholar Jean-Pascal Ruggiu (present Imperator of the Ahathor Temple N 7 of the Golden Dawn in Paris) has confirmed that this is indeed the case. Once again, the point of connection is the Order of the Asiatic Brethren. Ruggiu has confirmed that the Lodge zur goldenen Morgonrthe in 1807 became the refuge for many of its Jewish brethren when the Order of the Asiatic Brethren fell into abeyance.
- Bruce Wilson's landmark study today raises as many questions as it made revelations in 1947. First of all, why would W. Wynn Wescott attempt to appropriate for the SRIA the Rosicrucian affiliation given by Kenneth MacKenzie to the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn? In the process Wescott caused great harm to both societies, creating falsehoods and illusions about their origins while depriving the Golden Dawn of its rightful heritage.
- Secondly, why has the information contained in Wilson's 1947 paper not become common public knowledge prior to this present writing? In fact, when mention was first made of the Wilson paper in the third edition of SRICF (the American version of SRIA) researcher Harold Voorhis' book, A History of Organized Masonic Rosicrucianism, the SRIA broke off all relations with SRICF due to this incident for several years. Why did the SRIA behave in this odd way?
- Finally, one must note that the most widely published researcher of the history the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, R.A. Gilbert, is also a high ranking member of SRIA. Why is it in his thorough study of the history of this Hermetic Order, "The Golden Dawn, Twilight of the Magicians," Gilbert merely quotes "en passant" Wescott's recounting of the origins of the SRIA, with no mention whatsoever that these stories, together with the alleged Rosicrucian affiliation of the SRIA, have been thoroughly discredited? Indeed, why is there no mention whatsoever of Bruce Wilson's research, essential to an understanding of the Rosicrucian affiliation of the Golden Dawn, in any of Gilbert's publicly published works? Gilbert certainly must have been aware of Wilson's research. All of these things taken together give a compelling impression of an attempt to suppress the information revealed by Bruce Wilson's research, while maintaining a public illusion of an SRIA Rosicrucian affiliation and concealing the Golden Dawn's true and rightful Rosicrucian heritage through Kenneth MacKenzie.
- Societas Rosicruciana in Canada (S.R.I.C.) - The Canadian counterpart of the British S.R.I.A. A Freemasonic Rosicrucian research Society open only Master Masons.
- Societas Rosicruciana in Civitatibus Foederatis (M.S.R.I.C.F.) - The only legitimate counterpart of the British S.R.I.A. in the U.S.A. A Freemasonic Rosicrucian research Society open only Master Masons.
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Vodoun and African Religion
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Vodoun Culture The Vodou Webring (in English and French)
- The Mysteries of
Voodoo "Voodoo first records may date back to
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serpent, setting out to protect man from the perils of daily life:
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stunning photos,info, links etc.
- The Vodun (Voodoo) Religion 'Vodun (a.k.a.
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public. The name is traceable to an African word for "spirit"'.
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Umbanda and Candomble (Brazil, Uruguay)
- Centro de Investigación de Religiones Africanas en Améric A Beautifully designed Umbamda site
- History of the Umbanda Movement in Brazil The Umbanda Movement is a philo-religious movement
emergered towards the end of 19th century, in Brazil, when the
spiritual entities, members of Brotherhood of Ancestral Spirits
began to manifest through mediums in rituals of cults practised by
Africans and Indians, combined with elements of Catholicism
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- Iemanja 1999 Ilé Axé Opô Afonjá - African Religion Now a new limit, new configuration installs itself.
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traditional religious institutions, with the appearance of new
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Cuban Santeria, Lucumi
- Grupo AFROCUBA de Matanzas - Grupo
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- Matanzas, Cuba. They are known as the originators of "Bata Rumba," and famed for their mastery of the full spectrum of
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- La Religion de los Yoruba - La Santería - (In Spanish)
- La Santeria - a collection of gathered materials - (On Tribe.Net) A collection of material on Santgeria. I grew up
around people who practiced Santeria in a very natural and authenic
way. It was a normal part of my surroundings. However being a Native
of NYC I often found myself foolishly turning my back on my roots.
- Organization for Lukumi Unity 1) Participate in our discussion forums, enjoy essays by experienced
priests and devotees 2) Ask questions and write about your own
experiences with Ifa and Orisha practice 3) Browse through resources
directories to find books, products and services. 4) Advertise your
own products and services to our community. 5) Learn about
Afro-Cuban heritage and religious traditions. 6) Place personal
adds, find friends and godparents. 7) and much more.....
- Santeria, La Regla Lucumi, Lucumi and MacumbaM
- Yemoja's Page My name is Omi Saide, I am a
priestess of Yemoja in the Afro-cuban tradition of Orisha Worship. I
dedicate this page to the most magnificent mother, the mother of the
World, my mother Yemoja!
- Yo Soy Hechicero Video film and comments of Santeria ceremony
- Yoruba Lukumi Home Page In Spanish
New Orleans Voodoo and Hoodoo
Palo, Congo, & Bantu Faiths
Inquiceweb (Palo Mayombe) "This web site has been designed to serve as a point on the Web for those interested in various Kongo derived faiths..."
Palo and Lukumi Organization""
The purpose of this site is to provide general and introductory
information of the Afro-Cuban Palo and Lukumi belief systems.
Palo.Org servers as a major resource of information for individuals,
students and teachers world wide."
- Baba Falade's Afro-Caribbean Spirituality Ifa
Teaches The World is a marketplace Ikole
Orun is our permanent home, Cast divination for Olodumare the
perfect organizer of the world If you come to the world and forget
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- IFA Foundation The Ifa Foundation of North America, for more than 30
years, has pioneered introducing Ancient African Wisdom to the
Western World. Introducing it in the context of how it was
created...not as a fearful African imitation of the worst of
Christianity, but as a proud, thoughtful philosophy that empowers
its adherents.
Ile Tuntun - Thanks to visit Ile Tuntun. This page this created for the new
initiates in Ifá and followers of the Yorùbá religion. In this page
you will be able to obtain to information updated every 30 days on
Ifá and the Òrìşà.
- Ile Ijuba Yoruba, Miami, Inc. "We
love our culture and traditions and strive to understand and
place our ancient culture into the context of the modern global
community. We wish to contribute to our world as equal brothers
and sisters of African origin."
- Yoruba Art in wood and metal The term Yoruba describes a number of
semi-independent peoples loosely linked by geography, language,
history, and religion. The Yoruba of southwestern Nigeria (see blue
area of map) and neighboring Benin and Togo number over 15 million
people. Most live within the borders of the tropical forest belt,
but the remnants of the powerful Oyo kingdom include groups that
live at the fringes of the northern savanna grasslands.
- Yoruba People Information and Links
- Yoruba Religion "The religion of the Yoruba people in West Africa, who live in Nigeria and Benin, is a
thousands of years-old tradition of nature worship and ancestor
reverance. In addition to the worship of one God, named Olodumare,
the Yoruba worship dozens of deities known as "Orishas" who are
personified aspects of nature and spirit. The principal orishas
include Eleggua, Oggun, Ochosi, Obatala, Yemaya, Oshun, Shango, Oya,
Babalu Aiye, and Orula."
African Origins, North American Centers, etc.
- Afrikan Religious Images
- Ilè Asé Yemojá Orukóré Ògún in Portugese
- Kimbisa home Page The Kimbisa Order is a ancestral Bakongo community of
spirits grouped through initiation and enlightment to share power,
protection and wisdom to reach their highest potential as matter in
transit on the Earth.
- Natalia Bolivar Home Page in Spanish
- The Orishas in music - The Orishas are divine beings originally
worshipped by the Yoruba people of West Africa. Their worship was
carried to the New World in the holds of slave ships, and became
well established in many countries of the western hemisphere.
Combining and recombining with various Native American, Roman
Catholic, European Spiritualist, and other African traditions, the
Orishas remain worshipped today in the religions of Santeria in Cuba
and the United States, Candomble and Umbanda in Brazil, and Shango
in Trinidad.